Our Services

Live Butterfly Release

Release live butterflies Let go live butterflies for wedding live butterflies for funeral educational entomology classroom metamorphosis buy live butterflies to release

Buy butterflies to release

Live butterfly releases

Many species to choose from.

Simply open the giftbox containing your butterflies and watch them fly around.

Large butterfly release box (45 + butterflies) should be purchased 2 weeks before the event. Any orders for sooner please Email.

Butterfly box will arrive the morning of the day of the event (7am-1pm)or the day before, timings will be arranged via email. Box should be kept cool in the fridge or garage (10 degrees or less) until the release date. Butterflies will wake up when it becomes warm (10 degrees+) so make sure to warm up the box 10 mins before time of release

Or additionally keep the box in a cool place before you open it in the sun and they will open their wings for 10 minutes before being warm enough to fly away.

Click on our logo to enter the shop.

Live wedding butterflies

  • Live butterfly wedding celebrations

  • Live butterfly educational gifts

  • Live butterfly funeral commemorations

Enquiries welcome.

Email - livebutterflyservices@yahoo.com